Thursday, September 4, 2003

... cont'd from first entry, since they said I wrote too much...

Speaking of happiest I've ever been, Tobin is so amazing. I'm sure at least half of me entries will be solely Tobin-ness, although I don't really have too much of a space for me to just let off steam, especially since Randal's gone and Tara just moved to Utah. Luckily, Genery still lives within driving distance, though I can't say we have frequent communication- just another thing to add to my list of things I should be doing. Damn! I have to do my stinkin' thank you notes. I am a horrible, horrible person.

Well, it's already 10 (my goodness, I'm 23 and 10:00pm is late. Special.) and I've got Tobin bright and early in the morning, so I'm going to head off for bed. Actually, I think I'm going to lay on the couch and try and watch an episode of '24' because I rented them from Blockbuster and they are so good. When I was pregnant with Tobin, it was allll about NYPD Blue. 24 is pretty damn good, though. Seriously. You should watch it. And so should I.

Quote of the day: "If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change." - Buddha

welcome to my life,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was nothing short of a miracle. Finding the perfect mom with the perfect little boy. I knew that I had to become part of their family one way or another. Now she is the perfect wife, and he is the perfect son. It does not seem weird, however soon, that we will have the perfect daughter together. Quite the interesting direction that life has led me.