Monday, October 13, 2003

Whole Foods is Awesome

Whew. I had my first migraine today. LAME. *OH* lame. I thought I was going to die, serioiusly. That was out of control. I went to Whole Foods, though. I found a new brand of Soy Ice cream (stop making that face!) that gives part of its proceeds to helping Sea Turtles. How great is that? That, my friends, is why Whole Foods is awesome. I'm okay with moving to the East Coast ONLY because I'm pretty sure there's a Trader Joe's not too far away- it would be even better if they had Whole Foods, but I'll take what hippiness I can get if we have to move there.

I AM NINE MONTHS PREGNANT!! NINE. Yup. 9. Alllllllll nine. What does this mean, you say? It means that I have to rush like a city driver down the hallway towards the bathroom at a moment's notice only for like 4.3 drops of pee. GREAT. It also means that the baby is HUGE and sitting on about every nerve I have in my lower extremeties, I can't bend in ANY direction or move any part of me (mind included) very quickly. UGH. I am OVER IT. Yeah yeah, pregnancy glow and cute little (HA!) belly and all that- COME OUT, KID. If this one camps out as long as Tobin (that would be 42 1/2 weeks, thankyou) I will DIE. Die! I will explode if my midsection doesn't just break my spine off first. 

I'm still constantly torn between whether I really care or not if Randal's there, or whether I just want it OUT. The latter of those two is a pretty strong feeling, let me tell you! But, I wouldn't want Randal to miss the birth for anything, except getting it out of me sooner! Luckily, I don't really have much control over either one, so I'll just have to wait and see. That just means I'll be grateful for ANYthing. Anything but this.

I'm also about done with missing Randal. THE END. I am tired and achey and fat and I want my husband! He's been gone two months which is LONG ENOUGH. I wish there was a way he could come home early so I could just get this little baby on out, and have him home. *sigh* Anyhow- I'm exhausted, so I'm going to go. My phone is being a poo and not letting me upload pictures, but I will as soon as I can get it working. I hope you all are doing well. :)

quote for the day: "Life is tough enough without having someone kick you from the inside." Rita Rudner


Anonymous said...

Hi, you (or we on the east coast) are really in luck because we have what you need - (besides grandparents and aunts and uncles galore and people who would love to help be grandparents and aunts and uncles) not only a Trader Joe's in Annapolis but also a WHOLE FOODS MARKET in Annapolis. How about that! I loved the one in Portland. Love you all,

Anonymous said...

yay migraines! I just got prescription motrin from my doc for mine, but have you tried putting lavender and peppermint essential oils on your temples? it really helps. promise.

come out baby!!! come out! this aunt is getting impatient =].

love to you, tobin, baby, and randal