Wednesday, October 1, 2003

Happy Birthday, Sthsthinky!!!


I usually don't label my continued entries, but it's my dad's birthday today, so I had to say Happy Birthday. "Sthsthinky" is a nickname I started calling him years ago (no explanation if you've ever been around him with his shoes off- now THERE's a P.U. for you!) The "sthsth" part of it is a noise apparently only my sisters and I can make, and my dad definitely cannot. I have no idea how to spell it, but that's as close as I can get. And now you know.

The picture is of Tobin and my dad at Costco this past Sunday. Tobin was definitely having a Grandpa-day, which I'm SURE was just fine by him. He and Tobin don't get to hang out a whole lot, but they sure have a special bond (especially since my dad has three girls) and it's good to see them enjoy it when they can. Tobin kept PULLING and PULLING on his hand, saying, "Peease Grampa? Come wif you?" (which in Tobin-language means 'Come with me?') He says to you what he'd like to hear FROM you... it's a bit confusing at first, but since he speaks so clearly, once you nderstand his method, it's pretty easy to get.

I've decided to tackle the bathroom and kitchen today during my DDGRs, since they're beginning to reach a point that makes me feel not sanitary doing what I need to do in either space. Not that that even really means they're terribly dirty by anyone else's standard- but by jove, I'm not anyone else. I'm me, and I say it's dirty. HOORAY for having my own space to be able to say that in. *ahh*

Well, off to my aforementioned chores- and then a NAP. A nap would be heaven. OH yeah. It's on like donkey kong.

quote for the day, in honor of daddies: "When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years." - Mark Twain

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