Thursday, October 2, 2003


My new Parrotfish are picking on my little black goldfish! Poor little guy! He has two big chunks out of his tail, and some scales missing. Both types of fish are labeled semi-aggresive, though. In the picture, you can see both of the Parrotfish stalking him. Big jerks! Oh well. If they can't work it out, I'll just have to separate them. (can you tell I'm a mommy? :)

I'm getting attacked from the inside out. The baby hasn't stopped moving in a LONG time. (HMM- can't guess who the father could be... :) Ugh. Something that's squirming around *that* much should really be on the OUTside of me, I think. Soon, soon. I'm thinking that the 4th is the soonest Randal can possibly get here, so I'll go into labor late that night, and have the baby the next day. A baby girl, for that matter- as long as I'm predicting. We'll see!

I got some freeway flowers yesterday (Gerber Daisies, to be exact) that look beautiful on my coffee table. I got a new candle at Target, too- it smells SOOOO good. It's all the autumn-y smells like pumpkin, pine and spice. YUM. Man, I love the fall. I got to wear a sweater ALLLL day today. I love it love it love it. Anyhow- I'm going to rest awhile, then, of course, attack my lovely DDGRs. I hope you all are doing well, and please feel free to post on here anytime- I like hearing from you as much as you (probably/hopefully) enjoy hearing from me!

quote for the day:

 "Before you were conceived I wanted you
Before you were born I loved you
Before you were here an hour I would die for you
This is the miracle of life."  -Maureen Hawkins

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