Tuesday, November 18, 2003


Now, is there anything more precious in the WHOLE WORLD than that picture right there? No, no there's not. I *had* to get it up there, just so you guys can appreciate the cuteness 1/2 as much as I do. He's two weeks old today!

So Randal is coming home next on the 3rd- I have to book his flight in the morning. Hooray! At least he'll be home in an amount of days that almost fits entirely on my fingers instead of my entire family's. Much more tolerable. Going from having him here with 2 kids to doing it myself is insane. I can't even believe how tired I am, which is why I'm insane for even writing right now, since both boys are asleep. I kind of revel in the time to myself though, no matter what the hour.

Tori released a new album today called Tales of a Librarian. LOVE LOVE LOVE! you can go to www.toriamos.com to read ALLLL about it. :) I just realized I can put links directly into my entires like that. Sweeet. Man oh MAN, I love her. It even comes with a DVD! (enter copious amounts of salivation here) LOVE!

Anyhow- I'm going to finish listening to the ENTIRE album (it has to be done. It is the way.) and head off for bed. YAY, new Tori!!

quote for the day: "I love people. I love my family, my children . . . but inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that's where you renew your springs that never dry up." Pearl S. Buck

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