Friday, December 5, 2003

Crazy the Crosseyed Crapper

That is the name of Amy's newest teammate. I'd try to explain, but you just had to be there. I wish I had pictures, but instead, I have family pictures, which you, too can recieve your copy of, by sending your mailing address to . See- easy clicking on the link and everything. :) DO NOT ASSUME I HAVE IT, or that you are getting one unless you are Grammy & Boppa and I've written your address hundreds of times over and over (and over and over) on address forwarding cards. Feel free to e-mail me even if you don't think I'll have enough- I HAVE ENOUGH. The lady at the picture place thought Tobin was so cute, she threw in extras, and I sure as heck don't need 40 of the same picture all over my house. Now it can be yours for the low low price of FREE! Just let me know you want one.

I found Cat in the Hat fabric at the craft store today. (after much hunting!) I'm using it in Tobin's room, which is coming along nicely, even though I haven't been able to do much lately. He *LOVES* Dr. Seuss books- I'm glad the movie is coming out, so it makes finding home decor (ooh la la!) easier. I just wish it made stuff from the rest of the Dr. Seuss books more readily available, but I'll take what I can get. I found some books on DVD which are *awesome* plus, they help with vocabulary development (not that Tobin needs it) and are are creatively stimulating, and Aiden can use them later, too. Sweet.

Man, I'm tired. That's most of the reason I haven't been writing too much lately- I collapsed at 8:00 last night though, so I have a *little* bit of energy at the moment, lucky you guys. :) If anything, our infections give me even MORE stuff to do and keep track of. ACK. I'm not in too much pain, thankfully. I've heard horror stories of breast infections. It's not fun, but he's still nursing well and I wouldn't want to compromise his health for my discomfort- aside from the fact that after the pain I went through for him to be in the first place NOTHING hurts.

For some reason, it's not letting me upload pictures, but I'll put them up here as soon as they let me. Anyhow- I'm going to try and put away some of the laundry that has begun to divide and conquer. I hope you all are well and staying away from the nasty flu going around right now.

quote for the day: "Science is organized thought. Wisdom is organized life." Immanuel Kant

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