Saturday, February 21, 2004


So... I'm writing! Hooray. It feels like forever- it has been, kinda. I could have guessed (and I'm sure you did, too) that my entires would dwindle after Aiden was born. He's SO CUTE. OH my gosh, you guys. He is like a little tiny Randal (with my chin) with perfect skin and little jowels and no neck.... he is SO CUTE. When he smiles, his eyes are shaped like mine- what my sisters & Amy (Muhly, not my sister Amy... hulloo Amy!) will recognize as "Sailor Moon Eyes". (Sailor Moon is a japanimation cartoon- the eyes on the characters when they are happy are shaped like little upside-down crescent moons) SO.. Aiden has those. SO CUTE.

Randal will be home again around the 4th, during 96ers, otherwise known as the four days they get off before they get underway. They're going North this time- BRRR. At least he gets to travel. I've been in this town 23 years and counting. YEESH. Oh well, though. It's comfortable. It's close to everything. I mean, in an hour in any direction, you can be in San Francisco (thecity- South) the ocean (West) the lake (pick one- East.. well, NorthEast)  the Russian River (10 minutes to an hour or two, depending on which spot you pick, NorthWest) the wine country (East).

There's a LOT around. In the daytime, anyhow. Nightlife, it's up to thecity with you! ...although I *do* really like this one place called Zebulon's Lounge ( in Petaluma. It has live jazz 7 nights a week, and a full wine, beer & sake cocktail (Mmm!) list. No hard alcohol, which is FINE by me.) I'd probably take a night there (not to mention it's around the corner from the BEST sushi ever @ Hiro's- where Randal and I met) over boogying it up in Thecity most nights. MOST nights. ;)

Randal is doing well, and keeping busy, as is his MO. I think it's a little wearing on him having to keep on top of so much in both of his lives sometimes, though. Well, all the time, really. I mean, how could it not be? He's got to keep, what, seven? jobs straight on the boat (SHIP! Sorry! HE says boat, it's not my fault!) and then everytime he comes to his other life here for a few days, everything's changed.



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