Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Aiden is so cuuuuuute!!

I don't have much time because both kids are up, but I HAD to get these pictures up from today- SO CUTE of Aiden, and also of the kids and "Poppa" (otherwise known as "Sean" to us big-folk) who is Gabby's, well, Poppa. (Daddy) Tobin calls him Poppa, too. And "Honey" sometimes. So cute. Okay. So here are the pictures, and a quote for the day, even though this entry barely counts. I also am sporting my first sunburn for the season (go, me!) and everyone in the world had a very frustrating day today. I managed to escape most of it, thankfully. Okay- back to the kids. :)

quote for the day: "The first half of our lives is run by our parents, and the second half by our children." Clarence Darrow

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are so cute!!! Jealous of your first sunburn, it might rain and "snow" here tonight!