Sunday, January 11, 2004

On the drive home from dropping off Randal, I drove an hour in complete silence in effort to keep Aiden asleep, and a poem just kind of came out. I don't usually share poems I write, but who cares anyway, right? I mean, what's the point? So... here is one about about my rides home, which I'm going to cheat and also use as my quote for the day. :)


like a dream he comes to me

the sailor of my heart

and when first breaks the morning light

I know that we must part


he comes to me like sunshine

and he comes to me like rain

he comes to me like silver lining

on a cloudy day


when he comes, my world is light

and at last I am at home

my heart has found its resting place

no more condemned to roam


and when he goes, it leaves me

and an empty space behind

for my sailor I would wait

until the end of time


I take him to the red bridge

where our worlds collide

with few words and many tears

we whisper quick goodbyes


when he's gone, my heart breaks

I turn the key and drive

to leave the moment and the man

that make me feel alive


My heartache speaks in silence

in the quiet I find peace

knowing that my sailor

will always come for me

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your poem is beautiful beyond words. Thank you for writing it down for all of us who love you both so much to read. Love to all of you,