Friday, October 12, 2007

October pics... while it's still October?!

Yes, these are indeed pictures of me and my boys (and Ethan, who was my borrowed boy until I had my own :) holding Tobin's new snake, Alex/ He is a garter snake, who only eats minnows, whioch I plop into his waterdish and walk away. I remember my dad fishing with minnows when I was a kid, so it doesn't freak me out much. Also, his tongue-flicking is minimal, which really helps- that still creeps me out a bit. Aiden just goes for it, so I ask him to help me get him out (can you believe I have to ask my THREE year old for help?!) but after the initial wigglywindiness, he just wants to be still and is REMOTELY cute. Alright, to bed with me- I have to volunteer in Tobin's school library in the morning... well, later this morning. Oi. Bed. 

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