Sunday, September 14, 2003

When I open the mirror cabinet by my sink, sometimes it still smells like him. He has coconut oil he uses in his hair (which he swears by) that's got about a 1/2 inch left in it that I have in there, too. I used a *little* bit the other day, and I couldn't handle it. I love love love the smell and the thought of him, but it was just too much for my poor little heart to keep smelling him like he was right next to me when in fact, he's still so far. *sigh*

Well, I'm going to try and run some damage control on the house before Little Mister Wrecking Ball wakes up. :) I hope you all are doing well, and staying out of this horrible hotness. (I even got swollen ankles for the first time yesterday- no THANK you!!)

quote of the day:  "There is no remedy for love, but to love more" -Henry David Thoreau


PS: Randal makes Petty Officer tomorrow! That means getting a payraise, eligibility for another station, and getting his crows pinned. (ouch) Mostly good stuff, anyhow. :) If you want to say "Hooray for you!" just e-mail me, and I can give you his e-mail address, but I don't want to post it on here, just in case there's some loony toon on the internet that doesn't need to have it reading this. :)

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