Oh! OH my. I forgot a *LOVELY* detail to the fish tanks. UGH UGH UGH, I almost, threw up, cried and peed my pants all at the same time. Whatever could it be, you ask? Well, there were no less than three dead snakes in the smaller cabinet. And some other parts of something all up in there. Gross. I almost died. Seriously. I just SHUT that door, and I'm leaving for some guy that I will make clean it, since I am NEVER EVER EVER looking in there EVER again. Being a mom gives you a stomach for some pretty nasty and interesting things, but chiseling at drying out snake carcass in my living room is not one of them. I need Randal.
Speak of my love, he makes Petty Officer the 14th of this month. Woohoo! (I think) That's a payraise, and him being eligible for an Admiral's Cook job available in Alameda is what that is. It would be SO great and simple if he gets that job. If not, he has one waiting in DC for him... which would mean fighting Manny tooth and nail to be able to move there with Tobin (because there's no way in the existance of man that I am leaving my baby with him) or being alllll the way across the country from my husband, instead of 12 hours or so. Not that I'l be seeing much more or less of him than I do now, but that's the problem.
I'm finishing my sushi from Hiro's (where I used to work, and where I met Randal) -what's left of a Philly Roll with avocado on top (Philidelphia Roll is with smoked salmon and cream cheese) and a Rainbow Roll, which is a Califonia Roll (crab, cucumber and avocado) with assorted fresh fish on top. Mmm. It's weird- I coulnd *NOT* even smell Japanese food when I was pregnant with Tobin or I would have the worst nausea imaginable, but it's almost all I want with this one. Interesting.
Well, I've probably written too much again.... oh well. I'm going to rest for the remainder of my free time. Phew. In the meantime- here's my quote for the day:
"I have found the best way to give advice to your children is to find out what they want and then advise them to do it." Harry S. Truman
take care,
It is a tough decision when it comes time to move. Especially for a young couple with children. ESPECIALLY in our particular situation. Just as the beginning of us fell into place, the rest will show itself and we will watch life unfold yet again taking the smiles with the tears.
Good morning. I love you two and your family. Here is a quote as you become parents once again. "The parents exist to teach the child, but also they must learn what the child has to teach them; and the child has a very great deal to teach them." Arnold Bennett
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