When they ask for a mood on these things, there isn't an option that says "REALLY REALLY TIRED" or I'd choose that one. So I went for quiet instead. Amy has Tobin for a couple of hours so I can set up the free fishtanks I got last night. I found them on www.craigslist.com which is an AWESOME website if you live around here. It's pretty much a virtual bulletin board for any and everything for people in this (or other) metropolitan area. I got a free 15 gallon and 60 gallon tanks, complete with stands (one pine and one oak cabinet) filters, heaters and lights. Awesome.
It would be more awesome if my stinkin' roommate would come home like he said he was going to and help me move the big one in here, but I guess a break is good, even though I can't seem to really unwind and rest when the house is chaos. Oh well. I'd try and be stubborn and do it myself (meaning I already did) but I canNOT life that sucker alone. I want to go into labor early, but not THIS early.
Tobin is ever practicing his "no"s... like I was telling Linda (Randal's mom) it doesn't seem that he says no because that's what he means- it feels more like he's just saying it because he knows it's a strong answer that usually gets a reaction. So, of course, Itry not to give him one, but after the 20th time or so, even I start to lose my nun-esque patience. It is going to be interesting with 2-year-old-Tobin and a new baby.
I took him to the fish store today with me to see what I needed to do about these aquariums, and he had SO much fun crawling in and out of the cabinets on display under all the various tanks. That was okay, only I lost him like 5 times because he kept disappearing into them. I think he's really enjoy our tanks once we get them set up, though. We got a new Baby Einstein move (his "water movie") called Baby Neptune and it's ALLL about water. (which is LOVES, anyhow) It has a whole section where it's just an aquarium with different fish with music in the background. Even I like that, but now we'll have an even better version in our living room. If Jobbi ever gets home to help me clean and move it, that is.
1 comment:
It's not surprising that he loves water. I mean come on, for some reason I am out here on a boat almost seven months out of a year. Tobin is amazing. It is hard to imagine not being there for his first day of school, or even is second birthday, which I will miss. The confusing thing is, no matter how hard we work to provide, our abcense is somehow a necessity.
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