Hooray! I took the kids to see puppies (they have a little place down the street from the house) today. Now, NONE of you can tell me that there's something puppy breath and little kisses can't make at least a *little* better. You'll notice there are a few pictures (yep, that's more than one!) of them... and Grammy, that's a picture of Tobin kissing a Yorkie puppy for you.. :)
I actually went in to get my bulldog fix- (Necessary sidenote: Have you SEEN a baby bulldog? I have NEVER seen a puppy even HALF as cute as a baby bulldog. I almost imploded when I saw one the first time. They're like $2,500 and HECK if I need ANOTHER little something around the house to feed, water, clean up after and potty train. I am not insane. So... I just get my fix, and give them back. Like a Puppy Grandma.) So I'm feening for little tiny underbite with jiggly jowels and puppy breath and a HUGE belly with little puppy grunts in my ear.... and there are SO no bulldogs there. Sadness. But my ankle biters played with the other little ankle biters, and all in all, it was good.
Tobin didn't get down for a a nap until almost 4:00, although he wasn't cranky or anything beforehand. Just that kinda mellow, quiet tired. (I forgot they made that kind!) We read some books (Noisy Nora, which my grandma read to me, The Cat in The Hat, The Foot Book -of course- and two Thomas the Tank Engine toddler books about shapes and about numbers. Whew.) We always read a few books (toddler books are short!)