First things first- I DO NOT KNOW THESE PEOPLE. I was SO about to put them on Randal's team, but he already put everyone with 80s bangs on my team. Damn! So, Randal my love, you can laugh yourself to sleep at my newest recruits. Amber sent me an e-mail with this attached and I just HAD to chare the horror with you all. Now THAT'S child abuse. Geeeeeez.
So, today I ventered out of my humble abode and into the mall. Yeek. Tobin desperately needed well-fitting shoes (he's in a size 8w!) and I desperately needed to get away from the house, since the farthest I've gotten the past 2 days is the mailbox. The holidays always bring the eh... how do I say.... "interesting" folk out of the woodworks. I saw three mulletts (someone PLEASE DO SOMETHING to assure me that do's of the 80s will stay there!!) waaayyyyyy too many happy-pappy salespeople and more than a few assorted varieties of wrong wrong wrongness. At least mullets are on Randal's team. OH yes.
The team game, by the way, is when you see something SO WRONG/funny/off the wall that it just *has* to be on someone's team. Like a really really huge person walking a chihuahua or pegged jeans (no more 80s! Once was enough!!) or like... you know, when the M & E went out on the Home Express sign. THOSE are quality team-findings. Anything can be on a team- you can make team clubhouses (like Amy's- the super rundown not-even-one-pole-standing heap of wood that used to be a barn on Hwy 12) team cars (any WRONG colored car- like neon pink, purple or that horrible baby-poop-green is on Randal's team) or team mascots. (roadkill, pets with strange growths, or any poor animal that Tom Green touches) You can call specific items/people/things or blanket statements, like "all 80s bangs". (my team. D'oh!) The ONE rule is that if you call something on someone's team that's already on yours, it's DOUBLE on yours. That may not sound too scary, but just think if I'd actually called the scary family above on Randal's team! Double on my team would just be out of control. No one wants that.
So, back to the mall. We went into Stride Rite, and I did another thing I' never thought I'd do- I bought shoes with the stupid blinky-lights. They're really good shoes, though. They have antibacterial lining, (did you know kid's feet sweat 6x more than adults?) ankle and heel support and did I mention BLINKY LIGHTS?
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