Sunday, November 2, 2003


I redid my bathroom downstairs- it looks *much* better now. It was pretty much just white before, and now I have dark purple hand towels and a really pretty (not *too* girly) butterfly border and matching soapdish and soap dispenser. (Hooraaaaay for Target! Again.)  It was all pretty easy to do, which was awesome. I also had some extra wallpaper, so I cut out the butterflies from the border and made some flying up to the ceiling. Pretty snazzy. Maybe I'll take a picture with my handy dandy phone so you guys can see. :)

Well, Costco is beckoning. I had something I was going to write about, and now it's all just gone away. Pregnancy causes short term memory loss, you know! Of course, after I have the baby my excuse is shot, but I can still use it today! :) I hope you all are doing well, and hopefully I'll be writing about a new baby- OH! Yes. That's what it was. If it's a boy, we think we're going to use Randal Kai and just call him Kai. That's fine by me- he wanted to use part of his name, but before he wanted to use Neil, which is his ever so nonimpressive dad's name. Yick. So Randal is juuuuust fine. That also means that whenever Genery has kids, she can still use Aiden, though I LOVE that name. (Figures both of our favorite names are Aiden and Kai. Such good taste! :)

Okay, well now that I remembered, I'm off for grocery shopping. Woohoo!

quote for the day: "How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." Anne Frank

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