I'm nursing and typing one handed, so forgive the shortness. Randal is having surgery to open and clean out the infection in his toe, which seems to be some crazy resistant strain of staph. It has gotten into his tendon and possibly his bone, which would mean complete loss of the use of it. He'll go in at 10:30 and it should take only about 20 minutes or so if all goes well. I have to suit up in a beauteous yellow gown and gloves to visit- everyone around him looks like they're in biohazard suits and he feels a bit like a leper, but hopefully after this morning he'll be on the road to healing, where they won't have to repack his wound two or three times a day. Ouch! Okay, my arm is incredibly sore and I've got to get going, anyhow. Call me or check here for more info- Randal will likely be trying to rest- I never thought I'd have to write THAT in my journal! Please send your thoughts/prayers/well wishes/good vibes/good luck charms/shaamanic visions, etc our way & I'll try and keepb you guys posted. Thank you!
Just in case you missed it...
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