... cont'd
THREE MORE WEEKS 'TILL HAWAIIIII!!!! SweeetsweetsweetsweetSUPERsweet. I'm excited, if you can't tell. I can't IMAGINE having nothing to do but lay on a beach with Randal for a week. I can't even wrap my mind around it, seriously. Nothing. No laundry, no dishes, no diapers. Sweeeeeet. (in case you forgot)
I house-sat for Amber last weekend- that was fun. I LOVE her dog, Ruth. She looks kind of pitbull/mastiff-ish- I think sh'es a mutt, but she's SO awesome. The lets the kids just roll on her and pull on her and she LOVES at and just wants to lick you to death. You've actually got to be a *little* careful with her- if you lay or sit in her proximity, she will knock you over, pin you with her Buddha belly and do exactly that. She's only go me good one time, but man- that was enough.
The pictures are of Tobin and Ruth last Thursday. He loves dogs SO much. Maybe I'll just have to get "him" a bulldog. (insert huge cheesy grin here) Yesterday, we were over at my parents' house (pictures of that on the next cont'd) and he had so much fun playing with their dogs. Of course, Brandy (their Golden Retreiver) is an old lady and isn't much for 2 year old boys, but she's fairly tolerant. Fairly.
AJ is their other dog, who used to belong to my Auntie Gail (remember the one who let us crash her house in Sacramento?) and is a Corgi, (sp?) but Gail & David have another Corgi who thinks he should be the ONLY one, and now is. AJ is very protective of Aiden, actually. Whenever he sees him, he has to check him out, smell him, and then he will just sit by wherever he is, and if Brandy or someone unfamiliar comes near, he starts growling. Aww.
I'm resigning myself to get the house clean today. I'm just going to use the sun as a bribe for myself- I can only go frolick in it if I get the HEAP of laundry in my room put away and the upstairs bathroom clean. I've already cleaned what I could in the kitchen, but that sink... I don't want to talk about it.
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