Friday, December 26, 2003

...cont'd (internal skies)


The first picture is of the drink that started it all, which we got at The Rainforest Cafe- it is SO COOL in there! I tried to get some pictures, but the lighting was too dark for my crap camera phone. (not that I dont *love* my phone, but it's certainly not the coolest camera out there.) but you can check out pictures for yourself @ . Coolness. The second is of a building in Union Square- that little light allll the way at the top is where we went dancing. It's called Harry Denton's Starlight Lounge- that was really fun. I hadn't been dancing in YEARS. When we left the dancefloor, other people were patting us on the back and saying, "Good job!" ..... Okaaaay, then. Apparently they liked us dancing as much as we did. Sweet.

We had Christmas with my sisters, parents and granparents Saturday, so Randal could have some form of Christmas, since he really hasn't in four years now. He still had to spend the actual day doing boardings somewhere in Southern Ca, but at least it was something. We got a LOT of sushi-related stuff, which is fiiiiine by me, since it's pretty much my favorite food. (aside from dark chocolate and/or raspberries. Mmm.) He's going to have to practice making it next time he's home. Mmmm. Sushi.

He left Tuesday morning- I had to bring him back to SF at 0500 (that's Coastie-speak for o'dark-thirty) Porky stayed the night to stay with Tobin, and we brought Aiden with us. We got there just in time for sunrise- it's amazing the shortness of time it takes from the world to go from completely dark to completely light. I don't have too much experience with sunrises (I'm a bit like Captain Hook in regards to alarm clocks- there's that inner Pirate again!) but they're actually mostly worth getting up for, if your husband isn't leaving you as soon as it's over.

I was thinking on the way home that it was kind of ironic that the world went from dark to light so fast, as mine did the exact opposite. The sky was grey, everything bare and drab.... nice and abismal to see me off back to my Randal-less life.  The drive through the city wasn't so bad, though. The streets were as lonely as I was. (aww) But as soon, as I approached Santa Rosa, the skies cleared. Too bad it took a bit longer for my internal skies, if you will, to clear.

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