Friday, October 12, 2007

October pics... while it's still October?!

Yes, these are indeed pictures of me and my boys (and Ethan, who was my borrowed boy until I had my own :) holding Tobin's new snake, Alex/ He is a garter snake, who only eats minnows, whioch I plop into his waterdish and walk away. I remember my dad fishing with minnows when I was a kid, so it doesn't freak me out much. Also, his tongue-flicking is minimal, which really helps- that still creeps me out a bit. Aiden just goes for it, so I ask him to help me get him out (can you believe I have to ask my THREE year old for help?!) but after the initial wigglywindiness, he just wants to be still and is REMOTELY cute. Alright, to bed with me- I have to volunteer in Tobin's school library in the morning... well, later this morning. Oi. Bed. 

September Pics, now that it's October...

Ohh, insomnia, how I love thee. At least I got the pictures edited and up, eh? :) I'm too bleary-eyed too explain most of them, but there are some playing at home ones, some baptism ones and some from when Grammy spoke in Tobin's class for Teddy Bear week. She did that in MY class when I was (around) his age! :) That was really special, and so was the beautiful dress Grammy's sister, Aunt Dotty made for Annika- all in the same weekend- what a talented pair! Whew. Okay, I'm going to try and get some more up from THIS month, if I can see straight that long... I wish I could find the time to sit and just write and write about all the adolrable, wonderful (and stressful and hectic) things that happen here everyday, but I'm too busy doing them and I'm on my third child- I know that Annika is going to be the last one for me and that sh'es going to be grown before I know it- I'm not wasting even one second that I could be pressing my lips to those chubby pink cheeks clickety clacking on this goofy thing! I hope you are all well, I will write when I can-  I know you are probably sick of hearing it, but if you had my brilliant boys and beautiful baby, you'd never stick your face in a computer, either. :) Until next time...