Jeez. I have SO much to write about, but I was so moved after I read the news that I couldn't hold it in my fingers our it was going to come out of my eyes. I can't believe what some people are going through right now.... first the crazy Tsunami, then the hurricane, then the other hurricane, now the earthquake... seems quite a time for natural disaster. I know we're due for a big earthquake here in San Francisco in the next few years, and every child and mother I read about could as easily by myself and children, and my heart can't even hold that right now. Those poor, poor, people. I wish there were more I could do than mail off and extra $5 from the local coffee shop and try not to think about it before my heart breaks for them entirely. I'm going to tell myself that Mother Nature wouldn't take out California... the North Coast has the highest ecofriendly population I've heard of! Hopefully our cumulative eco-karma (yes, I just made that up) accounts for something. Or something.
So in turn, I've been doing nothing but packing and organizing. I suppose I should mention we've moved now, from our huge 5 bedroom Victorian to our first-ever apartment. I can see the entire thing wall to wall from the kitchen, but I'll actually have time to keep it CLEAN and it's only the boys and I, so I can make sure it stays that way. Roommates suck, I don't care how cool of people they are outside the house. In it = evil. The end.
It has a lot of nifty upgrades that I like. (like a DISHWASHER) I remember at the old house, standing and washing dishes thinking, "Wouldn't it be great if someone invented a machinge that did this?" Ah yes, I am still blonde. And tired. :) I find SUCH joy in loading the dishes into my handy little machine and letting it do all the work! I'm hearing myself revel in my domestic bliss and on one hand, I can't believe the joys of my life are reduced to dhishwashers and organizing, but on the other- I'm SO glad to have my own space, and I don't care about anything but making it a good place for me and the kids.
I also start a new job this week, at three dollars an hour more than the last job, plus benefits and I get to make my own schedule. Woohoo! Starting Tuesday, I am the Manager of the Fine Jewelry section at Gottschalks. It's via a jewelry company that stocks most department stores that found my resume on the internet and called and wanted to interview. And here I am!
The lady who was interviewing me was born in '54 and she went to Woodstock! She saw Robert Plant when he was young and hot! She saw everyone cool and I didn't! DAMN her!! Woe to my tree hugging, hippy loving soul! *sigh* Well, at least she hired me. :)
I really like the people I've met so far. I'm trying to get most of the apt. situated before I have to work full time and don't have time. I have an ad on CL for childcare, which I'm looking into in various ways. Tobin needs to be in preschool, which now that we're not moving to Sacramento right away, we can get him into soon. Hopefully after I have a few paychecks coming in, paying for all of it won't be as painful as actually having to be away from them so much.
Well, anyhow- I'm exhausted, but I had to write before I slept or all of these thoughts were going to circle like little Tweetys after an anvil lands on Sylvester. I should also mention that I've been talking to Randal lately and it's been really good for both of us. We are learning how to build our friendship, which we didn't get much time with before we were married and had so many responsibilities. He's coming "home" for a few days- almost a week, I think, for Aiden's 2nd birthday. I'm really excited for them to see each other again, especially since I have renewed admiration, love, gratefulness and respect for both of them each day. (and Tobin too, of course!) Ugh. Alright. My contacts are dry and so are my thoughts. Off to bed with me!