Tuesday, June 8, 2004


Ugh. Ugh ugh ugh. You know, I tried to spell that all as one word, but it just ends up spelling 'hug hug hug' (which is the OPPOSITE of the feeling I'm trying to convey here. (Ughughughughug... See?) And now you know!

Other than the aforementioned trauma, my day was pretty average. I just got done completely redoing my living room and moving around some of Tobin's furniture and now it's SO MUCH better, and I feel SO MUCH better. I spent from 8-ish am to 1:30am working like a crazy woman, (unfortunately, that's not the longest day I've spent working nonstop. Yuck.) but I FINISHED, and now I can chill out a little bit before I attack the upstairs this weekend. Whew.

Anyhow- I just filled in a whole bunch of pictures, and I have even more, so I hope you guys don't mind so many pictures at once, but I'm behind, and you guys are missing the cuteness! But now you aren't going to anymore, since I'm finally getting them up here. If you have any questions about what or who anything/one is, feel free to ask, but if I itemize everything, I'll never get the kids to bed.

Speaking of which, I'd better go.

Yuck, mice.

quote for the day: "The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese." (or the scream, in my case) Jon Hammond


PS: The two animals in the pictures are my friend Jim Kettleson's new teenytiny longahaired chihuahua, Tinkerbell (aww) and one of Tobin's new hermit crabs, he named Sankyo. (the other one is Yankyo) You guess which one's which. :)

TRAUMA. Seriously. Trauma.

Okay. The first *and* third most traumatic child-related events I've ever had happened happened to me today, and within minutes of each other. (I'll have to save the former first one for later- it involves a similar situation as the third, only with a kitten) Don't worry, no one was hurt, although I think my nerves are still a bit frazzled. What, what was it, you wonder? Well, let me tell you.

I was inside the house at work with Gabby & Aiden, and Tobin was right outside the front door, where I was watching him through the window. The kids are in adventurous and imaginitive phases right now, and I hear ALL SORTS of things on a daily basis, so when I hear, "I got a little bunny! It's soft and squishy!" I don't think much of it. Until Tobin moves to the screen door WAVING A MOUSE at me. I can feel the eyes shoot out of my head, and immediately, I respond ever so calmly with "PutitdownputitdownputitdownputitDOWN, Tobin!!" I couldn't tell if it was alive and writhing or if he was just giving it a generous jiggle. Turns out it was the latter. YEALCH.

So, I bring him into the house, try not to freak him out and wash his hands about 8,605 times. Then I go pick up the poor little GROSS GROSS GROSS dead mouse with a bundled up towel and toss it onto a bush for Sean (Gabby's dad- 'Papa' as the kids -even mine- call him) to deal with. This concludes the third most traumatizing kid experience ever.

*AND THEN* ... oh yes... we're waiting for the clincher, here. And THEN, I go outside, trying to calmly bounce Aiden to sleep in the sling and... man, I'm not even sure I want to think about it enough to say it... ugh. Okay. *Deeep breath.* I'm just going to close my eyes and type it: I STEPPED ON ANOTHER DEAD MOUSE. BAREFOOT. I almost died. Walking along the grass, bouncing Aiden along and a little soft, slightly crunchy little... YUCK. No more. I can't handle it. The most traumatizing babysitting-related (only by geography, since no kids were directly involved) event of my life. Shudder. Guh-ROSS.

Tuesday, June 1, 2004


Well. both my entries so far ended in bodily fluid expulsions How nice. Such is the life of a mother. (And a sister of Porky, apparently!) How about something else? :)

Aiden is almost back to sleep- hooray! That means I can actually DO stuff. I can't believe that I worked ALL DAY LONG yesterday trying to get the house in order and it looks THE FRIGGIN SAME. *sigh* I'm going through every corner of the house and scrubbing, organizing, taking away little things I don't need, clothes I don't wear or the kids have outgrown, storing things away I don't immediately need... there is just TOO MUCH in not enough space here, and I am going to rip my hair out  if  I have to live with it any longer. The last time I really had the house together was before I left for Vegas over a month ago, and then I was gone and ther was unpacking and children and a mother back from no responsibilities and a husband to herself to full responsibility and no husband. Yeah. Nifty. At least we got away, though.

It blows my mind how much effort it takes to really get things together. I mean have EVERYTHING organized in the house (last time THAT happened was before I had two kids, and I am not kidding myself thinking I'm actually going to get and keep it that way) But I want it organized. When Aiden pukes, I want to know where there are burp rags. I want to be able to reach into a drawer and know where to find a specific outfit. I can actually do those things right now, after many hours of labor, and I'm still working on reoarganizing even more, but trying to do that while keeping up with kids, laundry, bills and dishes is pretty darn tiring.

On that note, the kids are up, so I better go. I'll put pictures up as soon as I get another chance. I hope you all are well, and I promise to write more and more often!

quote for the day: "A sister is both your mirror - and your opposite." Elizabeth Fishel


Two entries long! Well, whaddaya know about that. It's actually a bit later now, since I had to go to work, get the kids down, get some laundry in, get some laundry out and fold it, feed Aiden, make a grocery list... and it goes on. Aiden's watching Baby Galileo in his swing at the moment, and Tobin is still asleep. We went in the pool yesterday (Tobin and I) and it was really fun. We want to go again today after he wakes up, but we'll see if it's still warm enough then. He & Randal will go in if it's over 60 degrees outside. Aiden and I prefer warm water and warm (not HOT) days. I had to buy a wipe warmer when Aiden was a couple weeks old because he would SCREEEEAAAM if you touched his littletinybeebeebooty with a cold wipe. Hey- I understand!

My sisters and I went camping this weekend with Aiden, which was fun. None of us is really a girly girl too much, so it doesn't sound TOO crazy for three girls and a baby to take off for a weekend in the wilderness. We camped by the Russian River, and there was a reggae festival right down the river which was awesome. We had free live music to put up our tent to. Sweeeet.

We had a good time- I always forget how much my sisters and I laugh when we're around each other. I haven't laughed as long and as hard as I did this weekend in months. Man- this is probably going to sound insane becaise I *know* you had to be there, but I'll tell you anyhow. We were hanging out in the tent and I was getting mugs out for tea (hippy camping! What did you expect?) and I was showing Amy my new Irish mug with the Klava on it.

Me: "Hey Amy, check out my new Irish mug!"

Amy: takes a moment to look the cup over, then says thoughtfully, "Noinchip."

Yup. Noinchip. HUH? It sounded a bit more like 'NoYEENchp!'. None of us will ever know where in the world that came from, but we laughed so hard tears were stinging the corners of my eyes, my sides hurt, my cheeks hurt, and frankly, I almost peed my pants. (I didn't, thankyouverymuch.) HA! That brings me to my next story. I had just gotten Aiden to sleep and was shivering in the tent under about a hundred blankets, and suddenly the whole tent lights up and I'm warm for a minute. Ahhhhh. (did I mention Amy like a bit of charcoal with her lighter fluid?) ... and then I hear "I peed! I peed my pants!" from Porky. I was literally rolling around, I was laughing so hard. (hey, it was late!) BTW: I promise you she doesn't care that I'm broadcasting to the general public of the world that she peed her pants. She's cool like that. :) 

Anyone home?

Man- did anyone know that having a two year old and a six month old by yourself is the busiest thing ever? Just curious. In case you didn't know, it is. I'm just kind of hanging on for the ride at the moment, but don't worry- I've been taking pictures the whole time! :)

So many things have happened, I'm not even sure what to write about. Tobin got REALLY sick for the first time- throwing up and everything.... yum. I even got the pleasure just yesterday of picking encrusted vomit from the tassles of a blanket I didn't know got baptized. The real highlight of a mother's duty, you know? Funny enough, I was just standing there, having a conversation, looking at the little pieces to see if there was any recognizable food. I am now immune (well, almost) to bodily fluid grossness. Or just too tired to care.

Actually, Aiden has started sleeping through the night a little more now. FINALLY. and HOORAY!! He can even sit up for a few minutes by himself, too. Almost all the time, but he usually gets distracted by something (a toy, his brother, whatever) and goes for it and bonks to the floor. He doesn't cry, though. Just keeps on chewing. Still no teeth, but I think I could make up for the California water shortage if I could find a way to tap and filter all the liquid that comes out of his mouth. Geeeez. Of course, my nickname was 'Drooly Julie' when I was his age, so I guess I had to get mine.

I got that horrible sickness Tobin had the day afterwards... NASTY. My sisters, Mom and Dad got it, too. I simply refer to it as 'The Death Flu'. because that is what we all felt like. I was throwing up for two days straight, with a 102 temperature. I was hot, cold, achey, had a stomachache, headache, nausea.... anything and everthing nasty, pretty much. I woke up at 3:00am puking, and by 6:00 I called my mom from the bathroom floor crying and said, "Mom, I'm dying. You HAVE to come over now, the kids are going to be up and I can't move." So my mom and then Grandma came over to help with the kids, THANK the good Lord.

The second day, I was still puking, and my friend Avery came over for a couple of hours, but the whole rest of the day, I had both kids to myself. If there's anything worse than being deathly ill, it's having to take care of two young kids alone with it, AND try and not freak them out by wretching out orange bubbles in the sink (I found out carrot juice is one of the less nasty things the secondround) while making oatmeal. YUMMY, huh?