Well Happy Halloween.
I'm at home, cutting outdecoupage for my bathroom- woohoo! When people asked me what I was going to be for Halloween, I said, "Asleep!" (aren't I witty?) Today went well, though. It was very productive. I woke up early this morning just aching for my friend... I mean physically hurting for her. I wish so much that I was able to do something, but there's nothing I can do, and that is itself is something difficult to deal with, nevermind the scope of what she must be going through.
Alas and alack, laying fully awake in bed thinking about what you can't do is only worth so many moments of your life, and then, you get up. So, I was awake and cleaning my house at 6-something, which, especially considering the stupid time change (why do they DO that?! Tobin's naptime is ALL wrong now) is pretty darn early. Just preparing for complete lack of sleep I know is coming. :)
My roommate is out- HOORAAAYY!!! He has two chairs to get tomorrow, and that's IT! So- tomorrow, Porky is coming over (and I think Mom is, too) to help me get that room ready. Manny has Tobin all day, so I actually might get a decent chunk finished. Sweeeeet. My very own house with NO ONE I'm not related to in it, and neither of them are my parents! THAT is sweet. It's time, though. Aside from the fact that there is NO WAY I would want to clean up after another *adult* like I have been, plus two kids and myself. BOTH kids would have also had to be in my room. HA! Haha. Ha. No.
OH! OH*MY*GOODNESS*. I can't even believe I got this far without saying something. *ANOTHER* one of my friends got hit by her boyfriend today (although not to NEAR the same extend as my first friend) but THIS one is pregnant! WHAT IS *WRONG* with people?!? And I thought I might have been embittered before! JEEEEZ.
On THAT note, I'm off for a bath and bed. Again, if you could focus your prayers, thoughts, vibes, energy, whatever in the direction of these wonderful women, I know they could use all the support, even from complete strangers they may never know, that they can get. :)
quote for the day: "Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other." Carl Jung